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About SWAP

SWAP is an independent organisation which was constituted in September 2006.

Formed in response to an identified need to continue offering the asylum-seeker support started by Friendly Faces Mentoring Project launched as part of Wigan and Leigh CVS in 2004.

Our Mission

To improve the lives of asylum seekers and refugees in the borough through positive action and practical support, without discrimination, and through touching the lives of individuals to empower the wider community.

Our mission stems from our belief that everyone living in Wigan should feel welcome, should be given an equal chance to build a decent life, and should know where and how to access support when necessary, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, cultural background, language or immigration status. Our client group is defined as  asylum seekers and refugees  who are in situations of hardship and would benefit from the project’s services to solve practical problems and reduce social isolation.

Our Aims

Our governing constitution defines the project’s aims as:

    • To provide practical support for asylum seekers, refugees.

    • To aid and promote integration.

    • To alleviate isolation and exclusion amongst asylum seeking and refugee communities.

    • To encourage our clients to participate in volunteering activities and gain confidence.

  • To foster development of community-led well-being, culture, mental and physical initiatives which impact on the lives of asylum seekers and refugees.

  • To advance public education about the position of asylum seekers and refugees and the situations which give rise to refugee movements.