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Make a donation.

Every donation makes a difference to us, no matter how little you can give.

All donated money goes towards helping some of the most vulnerable people in our borough.

Our clients mainly come from war torn parts of Africa, the Middle East, sometimes from further afield.

They are in Wigan because they are fleeing persecution and have been placed here out of no choice of their own. They are seeking sanctuary in our peaceful and prosperous corner of the world. They need our help to become members of this community, to build full lives here in Wigan, and to have the opportunities to fulfil their potential.

This is why SWAP exists. This is SWAP’s purpose. These are the goals we work towards every day.

Help us by donating:


Gives 1 newly arrived asylum seeker a voice, through a translator.


Could pay for 2 people to see a caseworker.


Will provide 1 English class for 18 refugees.